28 December 2006

Nancy Pelosi: Anatomy of a Trainwreck

Nancy Pelosi: Anatomy of a Trainwreck

By Joseph Klein
FrontPageMagazine.com | October 9, 2006The Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi told the Washington Post last month that this year’s midterm congressional campaign “shouldn't be about national security.” Thanks to an obliging mainstream press that continues to make the Foley cybersex page scandal the lead story day after day, she and her fellow leftists are escaping accountability for doing everything in their power to tilt our legal system in favor of terrorists’ rights while undermining our military and intelligence services.

One of Pelosi’s most shocking votes was against consideration of appropriations for intelligence and intelligence-related activities in fiscal year 2007 since there was no funding for something called a “Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.” Declaring that the NSA warrantless electronic surveillance program is illegal (which is an issue still on appeal before the courts), Pelosi also voted against a compromise that would have required judicial oversight but still provided the President with some additional flexibility during wartime. She even voted against the bill sponsored by our current Speaker Denny Hastert adopting the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission! In Pelosi’s world – which will turn into nightmarish reality if she becomes the next Speaker of the House – the privacy rights of terrorist suspects and their friends under surveillance would trump our right to be protected against the execution of their murderous plans.

Pelosi's Stake in Illegal Immigration

Pelosi's Stake in Illegal Immigration

By Joseph Klein
FrontPageMagazine.com | October 30, 2006

The Minuteman Project, founded by Jim Gilchrist (who is also the co-author of the book Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America’s Borders), is made up of citizen volunteers who watch our border with Mexico and report illegal entry to the border patrol. For performing that thankless task in full compliance with the law, Gilchrist and his colleagues have been falsely maligned as fascists, racists, and even murderers. They have been driven off the speaker’s platform at Columbia University and vilified by Leftist politicians and their handmaidens in the liberal press.

So it was no surprise that the mainstream media chose to ignore a recent press release, issued by his publisher, in which Gilchrist asked the question about Nancy Pelosi’s ethics that should be on the minds of every law-abiding American – including those immigrants who are following the law to become citizens here the proper way: “Do we really need a House Speaker whose every action is calculated to enhance her own financial interests, instead of focusing on how porous borders will affect the security of everyday American citizens?

The real Nancy Pelosi — multi-millionaire, resort, dining and winery baroness who profits from non-union and illegal labor

The real Nancy Pelosi — multi-millionaire, resort, dining and winery baroness who profits from non-union and illegal labor

Nancy Pelosi’s socialist political views are exactly what have kept her elected in San Francisco, along with the flow of union campaign money. The staunch “union supporter” Pelosi has even received the Cesar Chavez Award from the United Farm Workers Union. But her $25 million Napa vineyards and winery, she and her husband own are non-union shops. The extra profit she earns is more than she gets from labor unions. But I don’t think she wants the rank and file to know this. Do you?

The hypocrisy doesn’t stop there. Pelosi has received more money from the Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees unions than any other member of Congress in recent election cycles.

Does Pelosi’s Non-Union Vineyard Use Illegal Aliens?

Does Pelosi’s Non-Union Vineyard Use Illegal Aliens?

Does She Pay a "livable wage"? Does She Provide First Class Health Class Coverage?

Monday 30 October 2006, by admin

Now we have the answer as to why Nancy Pelosi is so supportive of illegal aliens and promotes an Open Borders policy. This ultra-rich Bay Area liberal owns a Napa Valley vineyard. Better yet, it is non-union!

I did not know that Cesar Chavez was ardently opposed to illegal aliens...he even worked with the INS to deport them—sounds like he and Chris Simcox of the Minutemen could be friends! As Ruben Navarrette Jr. reported in the Arizona Republic: ( 8/31/97)

Nancy Pelosi at Saks Fifth Avenue

Nancy Pelosi at Saks Fifth Avenue

My wife walked past Nancy Pelosi, who was purchasing Armani Code at Saks Fifth Avenue's original store. Ms. Pelosi likely wonders why all those dreary, politically incorrect types shop at Wal Mart instead of shopping, as she does, at Manhattan stores.

Created this Blog to Track Nazi Pelosi

Nazi, er Nancy Pelosi needs to be watched like a hawk, and I am going to join others in watching this nazi loving socialist until she is no longer the House Majority Leader.