22 May 2007

After Pelosi’s Syria Visit, Dissidents Cower

After Pelosi’s Syria Visit, Dissidents Cower

DAMASCUS, SYRIA—House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Syria last month, and the related question of whether or not the U.S. should formally re-engage this Baathist republic, remains as controversial a topic on the streets of Damascus as it was in the days afterwards among Beltway bloggers. And, perverse as it may seem to some American liberals, it is the Syrians who are most sympathetic to their progressive values who have been most critical of Ms. Pelosi’s attempts to begin a dialogue with Syria’s government.

Many Syrian dissidents and pro-democracy activists have privately expressed dismay at Ms. Pelosi’s message of friendship to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They say that Ms. Pelosi’s visit, no matter how well-intentioned, has effectively pulled the rug out from under them, critically damaging their efforts to create momentum for reform from within.


Way to go Granny!
Keep screwing America and the rest of the world while you're at it.

09 May 2007

More BS

Pelosi threat to sue Bush over Iraq bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is threatening to take President Bush to court if he issues a signing statement as a way of sidestepping a carefully crafted compromise Iraq war spending bill.

Pelosi recently told a group of liberal bloggers, “We can take the president to court” if he issues a signing statement, according to Kid Oakland, a blogger who covered Pelosi’s remarks for the liberal website dailykos.com.
Give me a break!
There has to be better things to do in Congress.
Guess not.

02 May 2007

Syrians bolstered by 'good American' Pelosi

Way to go Nazi!


Syrians bolstered by 'good American' Pelosi

By Betsy Pisik
May 2, 2007

DAMASCUS, Syria -- The second most popular politician in Syria these days may be an American: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The California Democrat warmed Syrian hearts with her trip last month to Damascus, an event that people still share with visiting Americans as conversational currency.
"Nancy Pelosi is good, yes?" asked a Damascus laborer who found himself sitting next to an American at a greasy gyro stand this week. "Nancy Pelosi, good American."
Pictures of Mrs. Pelosi and Syrian President Bashar Assad -- officially Syria's most popular citizen -- still turn up on the local news channels, especially during coverage of the dispute between President Bush and Congress over the Iraq war spending bill.


01 May 2007

Cornyn: Supplemental Vote Represents "Political Theater Of The Worst Kind"

At least there is one Senator that has a pair of nuts!

Senator Cornyn's website.

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, a Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, made the following statement today regarding the Senate’s passage of a supplemental appropriations bill for our troops which contains an artificial “surrender” date and billions of dollars in unrelated pork barrel spending:

“Playing politics with the critical funding that our troops need now is political theater of the worst kind. Yet, that is exactly what the Democrats have chosen to do today.

“They have passed a bill knowing full well that the President will veto it and with the recognition that they do not have the support to override that veto. In fact, the Democrats do not even have the full support of their own party which is why they have loaded this legislation with billions of dollars in unrelated pork projects.

“This course of action is deeply disappointing and it is an affront to the thousands of men and women serving on the front lines in our armed forces. It is my hope and expectation that once the President vetoes this bill in the immediate future that more responsible voices will prevail and the Congress will do what is right for our troops.”