28 July 2008

Noose. Tree. Politician.

Some assembly required.

27 July 2008


here, a billion there … it’s just money, right? Say hello to the
“Advancing America’s Priorities Act.” This little gem, which Senator
Reid will bring to the floor Saturday, contains a whopping $11 BILLION
in earmark spending. Wonder how Congress plans to finance this
monstrosity? Take a look in the mirror. Among its top legislative
priorities: $5 million for a Jewish history museum in Poland, $183
million for “reconnecting homeless youths” (whatever the heck that
means), and $1.5 billion for the DC Metrorail system, which the
Heritage Foundation identifies as “the biggest earmark in history.” Are
Democrats trying to repeat the mistakes made by Republicans leading up
to 2006? It’ll be great if they suffer the same consequence, though
it’ll be less great if they drain our wallets in the meantime.

More info at Heritage.org.


Drill Now you Nazi Bitch!

Your obstructionist policies are a direct opposite of the will of the American people.

You should be ashamed to call yourself a Representative of the people. The only thing you represent is the extreme left lunatics in this country, many of whom reside in that cesspool of a city you hail from.

It is time you stopped pandering to the morons on the left and act for America and not against her.

You are the worst Speaker in the history of the United States. I hope you are proud of that accomplishment.

Drill now. You can drill now and still aim for alternative fuels and energy resources. Stop holding America hostage to your agenda.