28 August 2009

Are Pelosi's lies impeachable?

I think this bitch should have been impeached a long time ago.
I can't see how anyone could vote for this Nazi in a dress.
Here's an article that discusses it:

Are Pelosi's lies impeachable?
By William Tate

Nancy Pelosi is a liar.

And not just the typical, sniveling, inside-the-Beltway-talking-head prevaricator, either.

Nancy Pelosi is a wide-eyed, stare-you-in-the-face, What-planet-are-you-from? liar.

Proof is provided in Thursday's Wall Street Journal. Rather than just regurgitating Democrat talking points - -Why is it I always have the feeling that Rahm Emmanuel is barking questions into Chris Matthews IFB? -- about recently released documents on the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs), the WSJ actually read the reports.

24 August 2009

Check Your Own Arm Bitch...

This isn't about the Queen of the Nazis, but she is mentioned. So Since she's mentioned I'm putting it in here.

05 August 2009

Fire Pelosi!!!

How you say? Well, it's simple actually. Just vote out the Democrats and you automatically lose this narcissistic bitch.

Taking on Madam Pelosi...
By The Armorer

...by taking down her minions. We can't do much to San Fran Nan here in the Heartland. Her constituency loves the fact that she is in a position to cram their values down our throats here a thousand miles away and is going to keep sending her back until they've remade us in their image.

So, we have to take her out. Of her position. And you do that by making her a member of the minority party. One seat at a time. Here in Kansas, we have only one Democrat in our federal congressional delegation. Long time reader Jim B is working to change that, by capturing Dennis Moore's seat, and moving it to the Republican column.
