10 March 2010

The Bitch Lied...

Yep, the bitch lied then, and it's gonna come out now. Don't know if it will effect her reelection chances, since the bitch is safely ensconced in a liberal douche bag district, but maybe they'll tire of her bullshit too.

Nancy Pelosi and the CIA: Who's Lying Now?

By Jane Jamison

Along with her difficulties ramming health care down our throats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has an ugly, slightly "cobwebbed" credibility issue that is about to get dusted off and given full, sunlit exposure due to new documents being pried loose by court order.

Pelosi's "credibility" is under scrutiny due to her unusually harsh criticism of the Central Intelligence Agency last year. When liberals began flapping indignantly a few years ago over "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as waterboarding, which were used on detained terrorists after 9/11, the CIA defended itself in 2009, saying that certain members of Congress had been aware of the interrogations for years and had done nothing to stop them. It turned out that one of the most outspoken critics of the so-called "torture" techniques, Speaker Pelosi, attended a briefing or briefings.


22 September 2009

Pelosi Watch:

Pelosi Watch:

Pelosi’s Pretense
Jan LaRue

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held an “emotional” press conference to caution the rest of us “about the language” we use. “We all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words” and “any incitement they may cause.” Some people aren’t as “balanced” as we may think, Pelosi pontificated.


Still Lying
By Daniel J. Flynn

“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this, myself, in the late ’70s in San Francisco,” a choked-up Nancy Pelosi remarked in reference to Congressman Joe Wilson’s “You lie!” interruption during Barack Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress. “This kind of rhetoric was very frightening, and it created a climate in which violence took place.”

The specific violence the Speaker amorphously alluded to, as confirmed by her office, was the murder of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, the gay politician recently depicted in Gus Van Zant’s biopic starring Sean Penn, by Dan White, an unstable former supervisor driven to murder by his bitterness over his failure to be reinstalled in the supervisor post from which he had just resigned.


28 August 2009

Are Pelosi's lies impeachable?

I think this bitch should have been impeached a long time ago.
I can't see how anyone could vote for this Nazi in a dress.
Here's an article that discusses it:

Are Pelosi's lies impeachable?
By William Tate

Nancy Pelosi is a liar.

And not just the typical, sniveling, inside-the-Beltway-talking-head prevaricator, either.

Nancy Pelosi is a wide-eyed, stare-you-in-the-face, What-planet-are-you-from? liar.

Proof is provided in Thursday's Wall Street Journal. Rather than just regurgitating Democrat talking points - -Why is it I always have the feeling that Rahm Emmanuel is barking questions into Chris Matthews IFB? -- about recently released documents on the CIA's use of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs), the WSJ actually read the reports.

24 August 2009

Check Your Own Arm Bitch...

This isn't about the Queen of the Nazis, but she is mentioned. So Since she's mentioned I'm putting it in here.

05 August 2009

Fire Pelosi!!!

How you say? Well, it's simple actually. Just vote out the Democrats and you automatically lose this narcissistic bitch.

Taking on Madam Pelosi...
By The Armorer

...by taking down her minions. We can't do much to San Fran Nan here in the Heartland. Her constituency loves the fact that she is in a position to cram their values down our throats here a thousand miles away and is going to keep sending her back until they've remade us in their image.

So, we have to take her out. Of her position. And you do that by making her a member of the minority party. One seat at a time. Here in Kansas, we have only one Democrat in our federal congressional delegation. Long time reader Jim B is working to change that, by capturing Dennis Moore's seat, and moving it to the Republican column.


28 July 2008

Noose. Tree. Politician.

Some assembly required.

27 July 2008


here, a billion there … it’s just money, right? Say hello to the
“Advancing America’s Priorities Act.” This little gem, which Senator
Reid will bring to the floor Saturday, contains a whopping $11 BILLION
in earmark spending. Wonder how Congress plans to finance this
monstrosity? Take a look in the mirror. Among its top legislative
priorities: $5 million for a Jewish history museum in Poland, $183
million for “reconnecting homeless youths” (whatever the heck that
means), and $1.5 billion for the DC Metrorail system, which the
Heritage Foundation identifies as “the biggest earmark in history.” Are
Democrats trying to repeat the mistakes made by Republicans leading up
to 2006? It’ll be great if they suffer the same consequence, though
it’ll be less great if they drain our wallets in the meantime.

More info at Heritage.org.


Drill Now you Nazi Bitch!

Your obstructionist policies are a direct opposite of the will of the American people.

You should be ashamed to call yourself a Representative of the people. The only thing you represent is the extreme left lunatics in this country, many of whom reside in that cesspool of a city you hail from.

It is time you stopped pandering to the morons on the left and act for America and not against her.

You are the worst Speaker in the history of the United States. I hope you are proud of that accomplishment.

Drill now. You can drill now and still aim for alternative fuels and energy resources. Stop holding America hostage to your agenda.

22 May 2007

After Pelosi’s Syria Visit, Dissidents Cower

After Pelosi’s Syria Visit, Dissidents Cower

DAMASCUS, SYRIA—House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Syria last month, and the related question of whether or not the U.S. should formally re-engage this Baathist republic, remains as controversial a topic on the streets of Damascus as it was in the days afterwards among Beltway bloggers. And, perverse as it may seem to some American liberals, it is the Syrians who are most sympathetic to their progressive values who have been most critical of Ms. Pelosi’s attempts to begin a dialogue with Syria’s government.

Many Syrian dissidents and pro-democracy activists have privately expressed dismay at Ms. Pelosi’s message of friendship to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. They say that Ms. Pelosi’s visit, no matter how well-intentioned, has effectively pulled the rug out from under them, critically damaging their efforts to create momentum for reform from within.


Way to go Granny!
Keep screwing America and the rest of the world while you're at it.

09 May 2007

More BS

Pelosi threat to sue Bush over Iraq bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is threatening to take President Bush to court if he issues a signing statement as a way of sidestepping a carefully crafted compromise Iraq war spending bill.

Pelosi recently told a group of liberal bloggers, “We can take the president to court” if he issues a signing statement, according to Kid Oakland, a blogger who covered Pelosi’s remarks for the liberal website dailykos.com.
Give me a break!
There has to be better things to do in Congress.
Guess not.