22 September 2009

Pelosi Watch:

Pelosi Watch:

Pelosi’s Pretense
Jan LaRue

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held an “emotional” press conference to caution the rest of us “about the language” we use. “We all have to take responsibility for our actions and our words” and “any incitement they may cause.” Some people aren’t as “balanced” as we may think, Pelosi pontificated.


Still Lying
By Daniel J. Flynn

“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw this, myself, in the late ’70s in San Francisco,” a choked-up Nancy Pelosi remarked in reference to Congressman Joe Wilson’s “You lie!” interruption during Barack Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress. “This kind of rhetoric was very frightening, and it created a climate in which violence took place.”

The specific violence the Speaker amorphously alluded to, as confirmed by her office, was the murder of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, the gay politician recently depicted in Gus Van Zant’s biopic starring Sean Penn, by Dan White, an unstable former supervisor driven to murder by his bitterness over his failure to be reinstalled in the supervisor post from which he had just resigned.


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