21 January 2007

On the Issues

Abortion Issues
Since 1995 has supported NARAL and abortion 100% of her votes.

Agriculture Issues
Supports the National Farmers Union 83%.

Animal Rights and Wildlife Issues
Humane USA PAC endorsed.
Supported the interests of the The Humane Society of the United States 89 percent in 2004.

Supported the interests of the The Humane Society of the United States 34 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the The Humane Society of the United States 56 percent in 2005-2006.

Arts and Humanities

2004 On the votes that the Americans for the Arts Action Fund considered to be the most important in 2004, Representative Pelosi voted their preferred position 80 percent of the time.

Budget, Spending and Taxes

Supported the interests of the National Taxpayers Union 11 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Americans for Tax Reform 8 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the FreedomWorks 6 percent in 2005.

Business and Consumers

Supported the interests of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association 38 percent in 2006.

Supported the interests of the National Federation of Independent Business 14 percent in 2005-2006.

Supported the interests of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 36 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Business-Industry Political Action Committee 10 percent in 2005.

Civil Liberties

Supported the interests of the American Civil Liberties Union 100 percent in 2005-2006.

Civil Rights

Supported the interests of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 100 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 100 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Arab American Institute 50 percent in 2004.


Supported the interests of the Conservative Index - The John Birch Society 24 percent in Summer 06.

Crime Issues

Supported the interests of the Citizens United for Rehabilition of Errants 60 percent in 2003-2004.

Drug Issues

2006 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws's position, Representative Pelosi received a rating of 20.


Supported the interests of the National Education Association 100 percent in 2005.

Energy Issues

Supported the interests of the Campaign for America's Future 100 percent in 2005-2006 on energy legislation.

Supported the interests of the American Coalition for Ethanol 0 percent in 2001

Environmental Issues

2006 Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the American Land Rights Association 9 percent in 2006.

2006 In 2006 Sierra Club endorsed Representative Pelosi.

2006 In 2006 Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund-Endorsements endorsed Representative Pelosi.

Supported the interests of the Comprehensive US Sustainable Population 74 percent in 2005-2006.

Supported the interests of the American Wilderness Coalition 100 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund 100 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the League of Conservation Voters 94 percent in 2005.

Family and Children Issues

Supported the interests of the Family Research Council 0 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Children's Defense Fund 100 percent in 2005.

Foreign Aid and Policy Issues

2006 In 2006 Citizens for Global Solutions gave Representative Pelosi a rating of A+.

2006 In 2006 Citizens for Global Solutions-Endorsements endorsed Representative Pelosi.

2006 In 2006, The Genocide Intervention Network--Darfur Scores assigned Representative Pelosi a grade of A+ based on voting records, bill sponsorship and other activities related to ending the genocide in Darfur.

2005-2006 Representative Pelosi supported the interests of the Friends Committee on National Legislation 100 percent in 2005-2006.

Gender Issues

2006 In 2006 National Organization for Women endorsed Representative Pelosi.

2006 In 2006 National Women's Political Caucus endorsed Representative Pelosi.

Supported the interests of the American Association of University Women 100 percent in 2005-2006.

Government Reform

Supported the interests of the
U.S. Public Interest Research Group 100 percent in 2006.

Supported the interests of the Freedom Democrats-Economic Issues 10 percent on economic issues in 2005-2006.

Supported the interests of the Freedom Democrats-Social Issues 80 percent on social issues in 2005-2006 .

Supported the interests of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group 81 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Citizens Against Government Waste 6 percent in 2005.

Gun Issues

2006 Based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionnaire sent to all Congressional candidates in 2006, the National Rifle Association assigned Representative Pelosi a grade of F (with grades ranging from a high of A+ to a low of F).

Supported the interests of the Gun Owners of America 25 percent in 2005.

Health Issues

Supported the interests of the American Public Health Association 100 percent in 2005.


Supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 50 percent in 2006.

Supported the interests of the U.S. Border Control 0 percent in 2005-2006.

Supported the interests of the American Immigration Lawyers Association 100 percent in 2005.


Supported the interests of the Service Employees International Union 100 percent in 2006.

Supported the interests of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 83 percent in 2005-2006.

Supported the interests of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers 75 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Service Employees International Union 100 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the United Auto Workers 86 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the AFL-CIO 93 percent in 2005.


Supported the interests of the National Committee for an Effective Congress 100 percent in 2005.

Supported the interests of the Americans for Democratic Action 95 percent in 2005.

Military Issues

Supported the interests of the Women's Action for New Directions (WAND) and-WILL 96 percent in 2003-2004.

Supported the interests of the Non Commissioned Officers Association 83 percent in 2003.

2003 On the votes that the Fleet Reserve Association considered to be the most important in 2003, Representative Pelosi voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

National Journal

2005 According to the National Journal - Composite Liberal Score's calculations, in 2005, Representative Pelosi voted more liberal on economic, defense and foreign policy issues than 90 percent of the Representatives.

2005 According to the National Journal - Liberal on Social Policy's calculations, in 2005, Representative Pelosi voted more liberal on social policy issues than 96 percent of the Representatives.

2005 According to the National Journal - Composite Conservative Score's calculations, in 2005, Representative Pelosi voted more conservative on economic, defense and foreign policy issues than 10 percent of the Representatives.

National Security Issues

Supported the interests of the Center for Security Policy 0 percent in 2003-2004.

Supported the interests of the American Security Council 11 percent in 2003-2004.

Go to Project Vote Smart for more.

19 January 2007

Does anyone not see through this woman?
I have to hand it to her though, she is one seriously conniving (that's scheming, for all you dummycrats) individual.

ABC News:

There may be a growing battle between Congress and the president over the Iraq War strategy, but new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she won't block funding for additional troops.

Pelosi's position, revealed in an exclusive interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer, came a day after a group of senators announced a bipartisan resolution condemning the Bush administration's plan to increase U.S. forces in Iraq by more than 20,000 troops.

There’s no political downside. If the surge fails, the left can say they showed faith in the troops by funding their mission and giving them a last chance to win. If it succeeds, they get credit for having underwritten victory. Everybody’s happy, just so long as you don’t think too hard about them willingly funding a war which they hate, which they deeply believe is harming America and getting U.S. soldiers killed needlessly, for the sake of their own political expedience.

18 January 2007

Speaker Pelosi’s First Tax Hike?

Speaker Pelosi’s First Tax Hike?
The “Clean Energy Act of 2007” would raise taxes on both domestic oil producers and American consumers.

By Grover G. Norquist

Fifteen days into the new Democratic Congress, the party that ran on the platform of increasing our energy independence from foreign oil has introduced the “Clean Energy Act of 2007” (H.R. 6), which aims to raise taxes on domestic energy production. This was to be expected. The last time the Democrats controlled Congress, they had run on a platform to help American families, only to abandon that plan when they realized it translated into less money to fund government expansion and more social-engineering projects.


Did you really think that a Democrat Congress wouldn't start off raising taxes right off the bat?

Give me a break.

17 January 2007

The Countdown is On! And On, And On...

The Countdown is On! And On, And On...

Those counting down until Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 100-hour bonanza expires may have already reached zero a few times. The Republican Study Committee was happy to point out in an email blast today they aren’t the only ones growing frustrated with her legislative agenda, fixed on her own timetable, that so far has no discernable beginning or end.

Their mailer contained quotes from media reports like one from reporter Chris Wilson of U.S. News and World Report who explained on January 12, “We learned that the 100-hour clock would tick only during 'legislative hours,' when the House was actually in session and working on bona fide legislation. There went the first three hours of day 1, during which each member is called on individually to register his or her vote for the new Speaker. At an estimated 10-hour workday under Nancy Pelosi's watch, a little more division yielded us 10 days, plus three hours, plus Martin Luther King Jr. Day on January 15, for an EDC of Thursday, January 18, at 3 p.m."

Pelosi’s reasoning is that her clock should only run during actual debate of legislation, which excludes all periods of business unrelated to her bills.

Kasie Hunt, of the Associated Press, said on January 13, “So While The House Had Been In Session For Nearly 56 Hours Since The 110th Congress Was Sworn In Jan. 4, The Clock On Pelosi's Web Site Suggested That Less Than Half That Time 23 Hours, 34 Minutes Had Elapsed By The Close Of Business Friday."

Yesterday, in meeting with reporters House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Md.) said they were “far ahead” of schedule, but did not say when their 100-hour session would conclude.

Still waiting you lying bitch.
There isn't anything happening in the people's House other than your power play.
Shit, or get off the pot.

16 January 2007

This Clears Things up for Me.

March 1948

Many will recall that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claimed that an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well-known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and the federal government.

However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:

Albert Arnold Gore Jr., Hillary Rodham, John F. Kerry, William Jefferson Clinton, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Charles E. Schumer, Barbara Boxer...

See what happens when aliens breed with sheep? This piece of information may clear up a lot of things.

15 January 2007

Pelosi's 100-Hour Agenda Seen as 'Symbolic,' 'Timid'

By Monisha Bansal
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
January 15, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - Assessing the first 100 hours of the Democrat-led Congress, two policy analysts said the seven-point agenda House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is in the process of pushing through is largely symbolic and even "timid."

In the first 100 legislative hours -- as defined by Pelosi's countdown clock -- the speaker promised to enact new ethics rules and to pass legislation to implement the 9/11 Commission recommendation, increase the minimum wage, expand federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, negotiate lower prescription drug prices, cut interest rates on student loans and end oil subsidies. Full Story

Senate Dems Rebuked Over Their Version of Earmark Reform

(CNSNews.com) - Democratic leaders in the Senate have agreed to accept the same version of earmark reform passed by the House of Representatives earlier this month, but the decision came only after they suffered what a taxpayer watchdog group called "a humiliating rebuke" initiated by a GOP senator. After failing to gain approval for a different version of earmark reform than the bill approved overwhelmingly by the House on Jan. 5, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid agreed on Friday to accept the same earmark disclosure requirements promoted by Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the 2006 midterm elections. Full Story

11 January 2007

Pelosi Chooses Secrecy Over Openness

Pelosi Chooses Secrecy Over Openness

by Rep. Patrick McHenry

Posted Jan 09, 2007

The more things change, the more they stay the same. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi moved to shut out Republican ideas in the first hours of Democrat control, bringing the Democrats' 100-Hour Agenda to the House floor shrouded in secrecy. This means legislation affecting a broad range of national policies is being written behind closed doors by a
select few in the Speaker's inner-circle.

This is not altogether surprising given the Democrats' record during 40 years of majority control before the Contract with America swept them from power. Those 40 years were plagued with consistent, systematic efforts to usurp the rights of the Republican minority and their constituents. But it takes a special kind of hypocrisy for the Democrats to campaign on “openness” then govern by padlock.

More importantly, the dangers of making decisions of national consequence outside the regular legislative process should be noted—especially within the realm of national security.

Today, without any meaningful debate, House Democrats will vote to fundamentally alter
America's national security apparatus by implementing some—but not all—of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations. If you will remember, the Democrats campaigned on a promise to implement 'ALL' 9/11 Commission recommendations, a pledge which fell by the wayside—less than one week in power.

According to the 9/11 Commission, restructuring congressional oversight of intelligence agencies is critical to prevent future terrorist attacks. The commission recommended that the House and
Senate each create a single committee to authorize and appropriate funds for the intelligence community. However, the Democrats' plan to create a subcommittee within the House Appropriations Committee falls woefully short of the Commission's explicit recommendation.

By neglecting the normal legislative process—including the thoughtful deliberation of Republican and Democratic members of Congress—Speaker Nancy Pelosi virtually guarantees catastrophic mistakes will be made. Some of the 9/11 Commission's recommendations—like declassifying the
annual intelligence budget—are unwise, if not altogether dangerous.


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An Example

Here's an example that Mzzzz Pelosi should learn to emulate. The Democratic party might have a shot at being taken seriously again.

A Democrat Stands Tall

Senator Lieberman on the president's Iraq speech tonight:

I applaud the President for rejecting the fatalism of
failure and pursuing a new course to achieve success in Iraq. There is
no more difficult decision that a President can make than to send our
nation’s bravest soldiers and patriots into harm’s way. Yet, no
objective is more worthy in defending America’s vital national security
interests than aiding a struggling democracy and supporting brave
moderates who are in a life and death struggle against totalitarian
extremists supported by Al Qaeda and Iran.

Our troops have sacrificed much and now more will be asked of them
to defend our nation. They fight in a just, noble and moral cause
against the forces of terrorism, and their sacrifices will make America
and the world more secure. I want our troops to return home as soon as
possible – after we allow, enable and support them in accomplishing
their mission in Iraq in finishing this fight.

I know there are deep differences of opinion about what the
President has proposed tonight. In the coming days and weeks, we should
undertake respectful debate and deliberation over this new plan. But,
let us also remember that excessive partisan division and rancor at
home only weakens our will to prevail in this war. I am particularly
pleased that the President has taken the important and necessary step
of creating a bi-partisan Consultative Group consisting of
representatives and leaders of the Executive and Legislative branches
to address issues related to the war against global terrorism.

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The Fix Is In

Pelosi is really out to screw up this country. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

House Democrats are price-control freaks.

By Sally C. Pipes

The 110th Congress has already begun the process of imposing price controls
on prescription drugs. On the very first day in session, Democratic lawmakers John Dingell (Mich.) and Charles Rangel (N.Y.) unveiled the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act of 2007. The bill is being rushed to a floor vote on Friday. There will be no public debate, committee hearings, or minority participation.

This is all part of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 100-hour legislative agenda to put her mark on the new Congress prior to President Bush’s 2007 State of the Union address.

Citing the high cost of prescription drugs, Rep. Pelosi has promised to “fix” Medicare Part D in these first few weeks of the new Congress by allowing the government to negotiate
drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies.

Unfortunately, if Pelosi, Dingell, Rangel, and their newly elected colleagues succeed, they will cause irreparable damage to our nation’s health-care system — damage that would affect
everyone, not just our nation’s seniors.


License to Ill
Empowering the feds to negotiate drug prices will be a drag on public health.

There’s no business like show business, and inside the Beltway there’s no show like the business of sound-bite showboating. So get your tickets early: The “First 100 Hours” congressional sausage factory is up and running. Democrats are pushing to pass quick legislation empowering the federal government to negotiate pharmaceutical prices for the Medicare Part D drug benefit.

Current law excludes the feds from drug-price negotiations, leaving that role instead to the private-sector companies (pharmacy-benefit managers) that manage drug plans on behalf of their enrolled patients. This system is roughly efficient — no small achievement in the Beltway — in that the private companies must balance their customers’ demands for both lower prices and access to a broad array of drugs, while the pharmaceutical producers seek prices sufficient to recover their average $1 billion investment in each new drug while preserving the markets for their products.


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09 January 2007

Pelosi Power

Does anyone really think it's about anything other than power?
If you do, then you are a bigger idiot than Michael Moore and his ilk.

Pelosi Power
by Nathan Tabor
Posted Jan 09, 2007

January 4, 2007 may be remembered as the date when Nancy Pelosi became queen for the day.

There she was on network television. There she was on cable television. Surrounded by grandchildren. A baby in her arms. But, despite the warm-and-cuddly photo op, Pelosi and crew were not celebrating motherhood, or even grandmotherhood. They were lauding and applauding power, pure and simple.

Pelosi giddily proclaimed, “The Democrats are back.” These are the words not of someone acting as Speaker of the House, but as a strictly partisan person. For all the talk of bipartisanship, the Pelosi operation is a Democratic ship.

But, before long, distress calls may be heard, as the ship sails into troubled political waters.


08 January 2007

Pelosi Democrats Take a Holiday

Great start Nazi.

Keep up the good work!

Pelosi Democrats Take a Holiday

Nancy Pelosi and the new Democratic majority in Congress and their dust-up over a "100 Hours” of reform may be just that — a lot of dust.

We hear from the Hill that among Pelosi’s first acts was to give the House off from work Monday, Jan. 8, which should have been its first "back to business” day.

But that’s not all. House Speaker Pelosi’s office has plenty of more "off days” marked, including Feb. 19-23, April 2-13, May 28-June 1, July 2-6, and Aug. 6-31.

No doubt, implementation of the Democrats’ "100 hours” agenda could take months — not hours.

Democrats vowed to immediately launch a 100-hour push to pass a wide range of legislation, including raising the minimum wage, implementing 9/11 Commission recommendations, cutting subsidies to the oil industry, promoting embryonic stem cell research and making college educations and prescription drugs more affordable.

Bush and Pelosi Compared in New Poll

Bush and Pelosi Compared in New Poll

January 07, 2007 05:47 PM EST

By Jim Kouri –

With the news media full of positive stories about Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), America's first female Speaker of the House, Rasmussen Reports conducted a poll with some surprising results.

President George W. Bush's approval rating, according to Rasmussen, is 45%.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's approval rating is 43% a statistical tie.

Redstate.com asks: "Why isn't the media showing this, or at least comparing Bush rating (which they often do show) with Pelosi's (which I have my doubts they ever will).I have a feeling the gap will widen in the same direction."

"As Bush is forced to show his conservative side as he fights the Democrats and Pelosi continues to stumble, I believe we could see the President," said Redstate.

Where is the MSM on this one? Enquiring minds want to know.

Pelosi: Democrats looking for way to pay for tax cuts for middle-class

Does anyone really think that Pelosi is seriously going to keep the tax cuts in place?
The tax cuts that President Bush initated and has maintained has kept this economy strong and growing.
When Pelosi and her ilk take away the tax cuts, increase the minimum wage and throw health care in to the mix, then the economy will tank.
Mark my words.

By John Heilprin
Associated Press

Jan. 8, 2007 07:16 AM WASHINGTON - Democrats are not ruling out raising taxes for the wealthiest people to help pay for tax cuts for middle-income families, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.

She spoke of pursuing an estimated $300 billion that people owe in back taxes, eliminating deficit spending and reducing wasteful federal spending.

"As we review what we get from ... collecting our taxes a reducing waste, fraud and abuse, investing in education and in initiatives which will bring money into the treasury, it may be that tax cuts for those making over a certain amount of money, $500,000 a year, might be more important to the American people than ignoring the educational and health needs of America's children," Pelosi, D-Calif., said in an interview aired Sunday.

"What we're saying is Democrats propose tax cuts for middle-income families. And we want to have pay-go,' no new deficit spending. We're not going to start with repealing tax cuts, but they certainly are not off the table for people making over half a million dollars a year," Pelosi said.

07 January 2007

Pelosi Hints at Denying Bush Iraq Funds

This bitch is already out to screw the troops.
More to come on this one.

(01-07) 07:38 PST WASHINGTON, (AP) --

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said newly empowered Democrats will not give President Bush a blank check to wage war in Iraq, hinting they could deny funding if he seeks additional troops.

"If the president chooses to escalate the war, in his budget request, we want to see a distinction between what is there to support the troops who are there now," she said in an interview broadcast Sunday.

"The American people and the Congress support those troops. We will not abandon them. But if the president wants to add to this mission, he is going to have to justify it and this is new for him because up until now the Republican Congress has given him a blank check with no oversight, no standards, no conditions," said Pelosi, D-Calif.


Nice Dems 'Torn' about Shutting GOP Out

January 04, 2007 01:00 PM EST

This morning the Washington Post published a story about how the Democrats are going to exclude Republicans from participating in the "First 100 Hours" plan that the Democrats intend to implement when they officially become the majority in the House of Representatives this week. And, while they do clearly state that the Democrat majority is going against a campaign promise to be less partisan, the Post just cannot help but make it seem as if it pains those poor Democrats that Republicans are so mean that they cannot include them in compliance with their promises.


05 January 2007

Another Lie

From Laura Ingraham:

"By electing me speaker, you have brought us closer to the ideal of equality that is America's heritage and America's hope,"
said Nancy Pelosi.

No, we've been brought closer to aborting babies, harvesting stem-cells, cutting and running, and raising taxes!

Madam Speaker: Pelosi Makes History

Madam Speaker: Pelosi Makes History

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Rep. Nancy Pelosi became the first woman speaker of the House of Representatives on Thursday, as Democrats took control of both chambers of Congress.

"I accept this gavel in the spirit of partnership, not partisanship," Pelosi said, taking the symbol of her new job from Republican minority leader John Boehner.

Cheers of the Democrats almost drowned out the clerk of the House's announcement that Pelosi was elected speaker by 233 votes to 202 -- reflecting the number of seats held by each party.

In the Senate, Harry Reid took charge as majority leader, sealing the power shift to the Democrats who have spent most of the past dozen years in the minority.

Pelosi stressed that she wanted cooperation between Democrats and Republicans, echoing similar calls by President Bush on Wednesday as well as Boehner, who addressed the House before her.

"In this House, we may be different parties, but we serve one country," she said.

Pelosi noted that her election marked "an historic moment for the women of America" before moving on to promote her party's agenda.

The highlights are mine.
On the first highlight; where was this spirit of partnership the last six years?

On the second; where was the cooperation from the Democrats the last six years?

On the third; that is news to me. I have not seen both parties serving one country. It seems to me that they both have only served themselves.

Pelosi is no different than the rest of those crooked fuckers in Congress.
Just look at her previous attempts to nominate Murtha and Hastings to positions in the Congress. One is a buffoon and the other is an impeached judge.

Way to go Nazi.

Mine eyes are upon you.

04 January 2007

Pelosi 'Muzzling Free Speech,' Conservatives Warn

Here we go!

The nazi is starting off with a bang!

Pelosi 'Muzzling Free Speech,' Conservatives Warn

By Susan Jones

CNSNews.com Senior Editor

January 04, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - Tyranny! social conservatives are crying on Thursday, as "San Francisco radical" Nancy Pelosi becomes speaker of the House.

Traditional Values Coalition warned that Pelosi is beginning her
"tyrannical reign" with an aggressive plan to "muzzle" conservative
groups through lobby reform.

According to TVC, Pelosi plans to
attack the First Amendment right of conservative groups to freely lobby
Members of Congress. Her plan is part of the Democrats' "lobby reform"
legislation that she hopes to push through Congress within a few weeks.

"Rep. Pelosi, a pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-military
legislator, is working with the leftist Public Citizen group to craft a
bill that specifically targets conservative groups -- but leaves labor
unions, corporations, and even foreign interests to freely lobby
Congress," the Rev. Louis Sheldon, TVC chairman, said in a message to

"The legislation will be a serious violation of
the Constitution by undermining free speech and placing incredible time
and financial burdens on grassroots organizations. This will infringe
upon the right of the people to petition their government," he warned.

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03 January 2007

First Lie

Here's the first lie from Pelosi that has been detected. She hasn't even been sworn in yet.

This is a story about John Conyers. Yes, the idiot that is set to head the House Judiciary Committee.

Imperial John Conyers

Conyers, by the way, is no congressional novice. He's been a member of the House for no less than 42 years.

But as long as he follows some new procedures, the Ethics Committee
declared, "This matter will remain closed and the committee will take
no further action on it."

Including making public whether or not the allegations against Conyers are true.

That's a pretty astonishing way to dispose of accusations about
practices that labeled "unethical, if not criminal" by one of Conyers'
own chiefs of staff - who then resigned, saying she "could not tolerate
[them] any longer."

And the fact that the committee's Republicans went along with it
speaks volumes as to why the GOP is now in the minority - not to
mention the extent of the unseemly mutual back-scratching that
permeates Capitol Hill.

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats promised to do something about ethics once they took control of Congress.

Here's a very good place to start - by finding someone else to head the Judiciary Committee.

So much for cleaning up the House.
Ethics aren't important to the Democrats either, as it seems.

Pelosi Set to Attack Conservatives

Dave Eberhart, NewsMax
Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2007

Leading Capitol Hill watchdogs are sounding alarms by plans of the soon-to-be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her majority of House Democrats to ram through a new law that would seriously undermine free speech – and put restrictions on conservative groups and others who encourage ordinary citizens to directly deal with Congress.

Pelosi has already stated she is planning to push through major legislation during the first 100 session hours after the Democrats take control of Congress this week.

At the top of the list is seemingly good legislation intended to curb the power of lobbyists. But the Pelosi law goes far beyond bridling Washington influence peddlers. Under her proposed legislation, Pelosi will seek to control and limit any organization in America from encouraging citizens to communicate and influence Congress.

Unlike the other Pelosi New Year's resolutions (committing to no new deficit spending, fully enacting the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, raising the minimum wage, letting the feds bargain on prices for Medicare drugs, ramping-up stem cell research, cutting interest rates on college loans, cutting subsidies to oil companies, or protecting the status quo with Social Security), this one has the hackles up and bristling early on.