05 January 2007

Madam Speaker: Pelosi Makes History

Madam Speaker: Pelosi Makes History

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Rep. Nancy Pelosi became the first woman speaker of the House of Representatives on Thursday, as Democrats took control of both chambers of Congress.

"I accept this gavel in the spirit of partnership, not partisanship," Pelosi said, taking the symbol of her new job from Republican minority leader John Boehner.

Cheers of the Democrats almost drowned out the clerk of the House's announcement that Pelosi was elected speaker by 233 votes to 202 -- reflecting the number of seats held by each party.

In the Senate, Harry Reid took charge as majority leader, sealing the power shift to the Democrats who have spent most of the past dozen years in the minority.

Pelosi stressed that she wanted cooperation between Democrats and Republicans, echoing similar calls by President Bush on Wednesday as well as Boehner, who addressed the House before her.

"In this House, we may be different parties, but we serve one country," she said.

Pelosi noted that her election marked "an historic moment for the women of America" before moving on to promote her party's agenda.

The highlights are mine.
On the first highlight; where was this spirit of partnership the last six years?

On the second; where was the cooperation from the Democrats the last six years?

On the third; that is news to me. I have not seen both parties serving one country. It seems to me that they both have only served themselves.

Pelosi is no different than the rest of those crooked fuckers in Congress.
Just look at her previous attempts to nominate Murtha and Hastings to positions in the Congress. One is a buffoon and the other is an impeached judge.

Way to go Nazi.

Mine eyes are upon you.

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