09 April 2007

Pelosi's trip to Syria

I am going to link to a few articles that mention this.
In the mean time, my thoughts are the the Nazi has broken the law.
Granny Nan to be more precise has violated the Logan Act; which makes it a felony and provides for a prison sentence of up to three years for any American, “without authority of the United States,” to communicate with a foreign government in an effort to influence that government’s behavior on any “disputes or controversies with the United States.”

Last time I checked, the President is the only one that can negotiate with a foreign entity. Unless he expressly permits an emissary to do his talking, nobody else can do so.

Madam Speaker should be impeached, right along with the idiots from the left that continue to divide America, not only at home, but abroad. Specifically in nations that harbor, train, and fund terrorism.

For that alone, Ms. Nazi Pelosi should be tried for crimes against America.

And yes, I think every Senator, or Congressman that has gone to other countries of their own volition should fall into the same category, including Arlen Spector, just to name one from the other aisle.

Here are some links to what others are saying:

Pelosi's trip to Syria is playing with fire

CALIFORNIA Rep. Tom Lantos, who is a member of the delegation that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading to Syria, put the mission clearly when he said: "We have an alternative Democratic foreign policy."

Democrats can have any foreign policy they want - if and when they are elected to the White House.

Until Nancy Pelosi came along, it was understood by all that we had only one president at a time and - like him or not - he alone had the Constitutional authority to speak for this country to foreign nations, especially in wartime.


Pelosi is hurting not helping

What Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and John Murtha are doing is dividing this nation further along the political divide until they shamelessly succeed in withering the power of the presidency to mere insignificance.

For Pelosi to seek a separate foreign policy against the wishes of the president as she travels throughout the Middle East befriending a member of the axis of evil, Syria, borders on treason.

Someone ought to remind Pelosi that she is just Speaker of the House of Representatives, and as such, she does not and is incapable of speaking for the United States.


Lieberman Says Pelosi Syria Visit Was ‘Bad For America,’ Suggests Syria Was Behind 9/11

Today on CNN, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) said he “strongly disagrees” with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) bipartisan delegation to Syria, calling it a “mistake” and “bad for the United States of America.”

Lieberman added, “I say this because we’re in a war. We’re in a war against the Islamic terrorists who attacked us on 9-11-01.” CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer responded, “But they had nothing to do with 9-11.” Lieberman dodged the issue and changed topics.


Nancy’s Road to Damascus

Bad shuttle diplomacy.

By Michael Barone

“We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared after her visit to Syria and her meeting with its hereditary dictator Bashir Assad last week. “We expressed our interest in using our good offices in promoting peace between Israel and Syria.”

The woman second in line for the presidency (after Vice President Dick Cheney) seemed to believe she was on a Henry Kissinger-like shuttle diplomacy mission from Jerusalem to Damascus

But Henry Kissinger she ain’t. Pelosi said she was delivering a message from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that “Israel was ready to engage in peace talks” with Syria. A seeming breakthrough. Not so, said a statement speedily issued by Olmert’s office. It said that Olmert had not made “any change in the policies of Israel.”


Pratfall in Damascus

Nancy Pelosi's foolish shuttle diplomacy

HOUSE SPEAKER Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) offered an excellent demonstration yesterday of why members of Congress should not attempt to supplant the secretary of state when traveling abroad. After a meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, Ms. Pelosi announced that she had delivered a message from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that "Israel was ready to engage in peace talks" with Syria. What's more, she added, Mr. Assad was ready to "resume the peace process" as well. Having announced this seeming diplomatic breakthrough, Ms. Pelosi suggested that her Kissingerian shuttle diplomacy was just getting started. "We expressed our interest in using our good offices in promoting peace between Israel and Syria," she said.


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